How to map a cat

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Richard Feynman on venturing outside physics. Support for the most horrific totalitarian regime in history; how intellectuals were blinded into applauding Soviet Russia. Creepy urban legends that happen to be true. The use of robots in engaging with autistic children and patients recovering from strokes. Mark Zuckerberg on building Facebook. Thousands of people a day pumping out how-to videos on every possible subject.

What do cyborgs eat?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hallucinating without psychedelics. Rise of the cyborgs: human speciation continued. And a look at the neural prosthetics which will bring us there. More on neuroprosthetics and more on human speciation. Helping yourself be disciplined enough to sit down and write. Fill in the ingredients you have and get recipe suggestions. Or do it here.

Free passes to see the giraffes

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Who decides what you buy? On the forefront of coastal defence; the Netherlands are preparing for rising sea levels. What is the real story behind the Somalian pirates? Will we be seeing buckypaper in everyday life? Two small German children set off to Africa to get married. Video lectures from top universities.

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