I like my DNA with mayo

Sunday, July 27, 2008

This article about suboptimisation provides a clear explanation of the tragedy of the commons and the role of the greater good in evolutionary ethics. The concept also relates to business. Is suboptimisation a factor in the rise of eusociality in insects (pdf)? Another possible way that eusociality might have evolved is the genetic trick used by bdelloid rotifers in their asexual reproduction. More on self-organisation in stigmergy, the beautiful psychology of indirectly elicited collaboration. A wikipedia article on swarm intelligence, with a wealth of further concepts to explore. An animation of the Meselson-Stahl experiment that confirmed semi-conservative DNA replication. The subtle nudges of our subconsciousness. Lucid and fun animation of the interesting Benford's Law (video). Tired of science? Try extreme rock-paper-scissors (image). Less subtle (video) is how this Museum of Natural History attracts the attention of kids. A ruthless j'accuse from Orscon Scott Card aimed at J.K. Rowling. And finally, see how the computer 'thinks' in a game of chess (game).


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